Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Business Marketing Communication Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Marketing Communication - Article Example Instead, both academics and practitioners are embracing models which acknowledge the autonomy and unpredictability of customers. Initially building communication was not identified and recognized as a task of strategic importance in an organisation, but now with cut throat competition and a deluge of marketing tools, building relations and spreading information has increasingly become more important. One reason for seeing marketing communications as tactical rather than strategic is that much of its development and execution has been outsourced to marketing services agencies offering a range of specialisms (such as design, creative consultancy or sales promotion). This casts some doubt on its position as a core competence. Furthermore, much advertising and promotion thinking risks being short to medium term because the people and organisations involved are constantly changing. Butterfield suggests that, because of the increased importance of company-wide brand values in providing competitive advantage, marketing is becoming a way of delivering a communications strategy, rather than the other way round. The traditional hierarchy of strategy has been challenged by the increasing importance of brands as

Monday, February 3, 2020

LAB Ethogram Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

LAB Ethogram - Assignment Example The bird flies with regular, up and down undulations of the wings, hops from branch to branch and swings its tail from side to side while on a perched (standstill) position. This is a carnivorous species which feeds on insects, both flying and crawling. This species specifically hunts its prey in-flight through abrupt flight from a perch. However, it also hops from branch to branch in search of food and at the same time runs along the ground alternating with regular hops, while turning over leaves in check of crawling insects hidden underneath. The second common behavior was that I would call ‘grooming’, whereby many of the birds could be spotted lining out their plumage, shaking of dust from their feathers, picking oil from their tails and applying it along the feathers and washing by beating their wings up and down on a water surface. Others of these behaviors can be termed ‘recreational’ for example when the bird lays itself under direct sunlight and opens up its wings to enable heat penetration in between its wing and body. Most of these grooming and recreational behaviors are individual, but, social behaviors could also be observed. These include cases where male birds, more bright in colours were spotted on display singing together. This is a characteristic of the mating period, when males go on display to attract females to mate with, hence leading to reproduction. Nesting is the next social behavior when two birds, presumable male and female are spotted combining efforts to construct a nest where the eggs will be laid, hatched and the young ones raised from. Response to calls was evident as to alert others of the discovery of a food patch or alert in case of a n intruder. This could be judged by the kind of response that followed any particular call. In conclusion, a number of behaviors were observed to be interconnected to the welfare of the species along to its biological processes. These include grooming, which was found out to